Partner Ministries in Missions
Listed below are ministries that we partner with to help meet the needs of people in the below listed countries. To find out more of what these ministries accomplish for God's glory click on the links to their websites. Daniel has known the leaders of these ministries for years and he only associates with people that have a heart for God and people. Through these ministries crusades are held that lead thousands to Jesus through salvation, church leaderships are strengthened and encouraged through pastor and leadership conferences, children are taught the Word of God, fed, sheltered, educated and cared for in orphanages, and churches are planted. Business leaders are also encouraged and coached to continue to provide jobs for the population and give monetary gifts to local ministries and families in need.
The definition of partnership is as follows: the state or condition of being a partner in participation, association, and joint interest. Partnership is a powerful tool used to distribute resources for the needs of people throughout the world. Resources are not only in the form of finances, but represent so many other areas such as talents, abilities, compassion, love, and, many times, a listening ear. Jesus called business leaders into His band of future Apostles that could help accumulate, organize and distribute resources to those in need. Experience and associations through good and secure relationships are important factors to consider when developing partnerships. Together, we can accomplish much more!
Liberia, Haiti, Kenya
Charlie Stevens Ministries
Charlie Stevens is known internationally as an Evangelist of 20 years who uncompromisingly preaches the Word and allows the Holy Spirit free reign in every service. God continually confirms his Word with signs and wonders following. Charlie has preached numerous crusades in South Africa, Haiti, India, Liberia and Kenya, Africa seeing thousands saved and scores healed by the power of God. The special anointing on Charlie's life is evident as he ministers the Gospel and prays for the sick. Charlie Stevens Ministries has been instrumental in helping feed hungry children in India, West Africa and Haiti.
Charlie has a passion for lost souls and his ministry is always focused in that direction. His heart's focus is turned to the continent of Africa to reach as many as he can with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Charlie was a successful businessman blessed by God so that every dollar given to the ministry was directed toward funding crusades and feeding hungry children. Charlie sold his business in 2007 and now devotes all his time to the ministry.
Ailing Hua Foundation
AiLing Hua Children’s Home Purpose:
The name itself carries special significance. “Ai” and “Ling” are Chinese Characters that represent “love” and “Spirit”: Hence “To Love the Holy Spirit”. The Chinese word “Hua” is translated “flower”.
AiLing Hua Children’s Home is a place where the most precious resources of a nation are cared for and nurtured by love. Jesus said, “Suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not”. AiLing Hua Children’s Home in Shenzhen, China embraces orphaned and abandoned children who often are described as special needs children. And yet the environment that has been created is facilitating their recovery.
As children are housed, fed, clothed, and “received,” they are being healed of rejection and the deep emotional hurts and even trauma children go through because of it. Because God loves children, He gave this vision to AiLing Yang Blalock to work tirelessly to save all the children she can and to aid in the transformation of their lives and to make available to them the chance of success they would not have otherwise.
Our staff who work daily with the children are carefully selected to provide the best of care. If you do not love children and do not have faith that they can live productive lives once they are received into AiLing Hua Children’s Home, then you cannot work at the home. Faith is the most effective tool any of us have to overcome obstacles and be successful: faith in God and in the future of these children is paramount to work in Ailing Hua Children’s Home.
AiLing Hua Foundation was established to provide a financial framework to ensure that the work of saving the lives of abandoned and orphaned children continues to future generations. Your support financially will continue to expand the foundation of love we build upon to give children the opportunity to live good and productive lives and to contribute to society. “Freely we have received, and freely we must give!"
Since the conception of Daniel Evans Ministries (DEM) in 1982, we have provided resources of money, food and other supplies to local families, churches and other ministries. One of these ministries is the Durham Rescue Mission that provides food, clothing, shelter, counseling, Bible teaching, career training, and job locating to the unfortunate of Durham, NC. DEM partnering with other ministries and organizations have provided resources to disaster areas of our nation and spent countless hours in prayer and fasting for our nation during economic crises, natural disasters, public uprisings, times of war, terrorist threats and attacks, and during times when many of our nation's churches and leaders missed the opportunity. Our nation is still one of the greatest on the planet and we will continue to spend our resources to undergird it in prayer and faith for what is right morally, spiritually, economically, and politically.
We also support the USA by visiting Washington, DC with a group of people for the purpose of prayer and to visit our Senators on both sides of the aisle. When schedules allow us to meet a Senator we encourage them and we spend time with their staffs to encourage them as well. If we are allowed, we even pray with the staff of Senators and have prayed for some Senators individually. Normally, we request to have a room in a Senate Office building reserved for us for a few hours and people come to the room for prayer when they find out we are there. It is an awesome time in the Lord to experience God opening doors of opportunity for us while we are in Washington. This is a new ministry we started in 2009 to do our part in the restoration of our nation back to its spiritual roots. While in Washington we meet every night for prophetic prayer and talk about why we are in our nation's Capitol City and where we plan to be the next day. This new ministry is called ACTION in Washington. The word ACTION is an acrostic for Anointing Celebration To Impact Our Nation. You can find out more about A.C.T.I.O.N in Washington by clicking here.