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Interpreter in Kenya

FastingWhen we were in Kenya in 2010 we had an interpreter that fasted for 21-days to prepare for the crusade and pastors' conference. His fasting endeavor was for him to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit so that he would flow with the person he was interpreting. We all agreed he was the best interpreter any of us ever had. His emotions, facial expressions, body gestures, foot movements, and voice emphasis mimicked ours to the detail. We sensed a strong flow of the anointing while he interpreted for us. We also heard from locals of how well he did and that he is always serious about the things of God. We could sense his seriousness by the fact that he fasted to be the best interpreter for God that he could be.

Prison Inmate in Texas USA

This testimony sent by email is from an inmate in a Texas State penitentiary. The book this person references is, 'Your Guide to 40 Days of Prayer & Fasting.'
Date: Wednesday, August 12, 2009, 9:04 PM
About the book!  So far I've gotten a better understanding about fasting and an easy way to do it! Also it has opened my eyes & made me realize that God is always with us throughout our day. I am beginning to have a more personal relationship with God because this book has kept things on my mind like what I'm supposed to give up & people I'm praying for and therefore it has had a positive influence on ALL my other thoughts. Before, my mind might drift from time to time to other places, but since I've been reading this & following what it says I haven't. It's a great tool to use in helping build your relationship with the Lord & since God is good he will answer prayers brought up.

God bless You, LK

Prayer and Fasting Group in Liberia

Below is evidence of how powerful results are from prayer and fasting. Three of our prayer and fasting group members (including Daniel) are in a government building with a very popular senator and have just met him for the first time.

Prayer and Fasting Group in Liberia

The mission team to Liberia praying over a Senator for the government, businesses and the faith of his nation. Bob Harvey (left) and Chris Thompson (right of Bob), two members of our prayer and fasting group, along with Charlie Stevens and Daniel are fulfilling what the group pray and fast for before they leave on any trip to represent God. The team's desire is to impact nations and their leaders for Him.

For more of Daniel's personal testimonies of prayer and fasting you need to read his new book 'Understanding Biblical Fasting,' which will be available in late 2012.